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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Dark proton strings and genetic code, DARK PROTON STRINGS AND GENETIC CODE 2. a) The 3-proton states can be arranged into multiplets such that the numbers of states insi- de multiplets correspond to num- bers of DNA and RNA (64), aminoacids (20) and tRNA. b) The states inside "DNA" and "RNA" multiplets can be mapped to the states of "amino-acid" mul- tiplets in a natural manner and the numbers of "DNA"s/"RNA"s mapped to a given amino-acid are same as for vertebrate genetic code., Inspires the proposal that water representes primordial life form with biomolecules replaced with dark proton sequences. a) Water is to known to obey the formula H_1.5O in atto- second time scale in the sense that 1/4:th of protons are invisible in neutron diffraction and electron scattering. As if these protons were dark. The proposal was that they corre- spond to protons with large h_eff=nh. b) Water memory and homeo- pathy could be understood in terms of the polymer-like structures formed by dark proton sequences. The process giving rise to homeo- pathic remedy would feed me- tabolic energy creating cell-like regions discovered by Pollack and realizing genetic code. c) These regions could mimic bio-active molecules. In particular the cyclotron fre- quencies associated with their magnetic body could become same as for the bio-active mo- lecule and allow to mimic the molecule and actually replace it in biological body so that there would be no harmful effects. suggesting that Immune system could rely on this basic mech- anism and also the purifying effect of the fourth phase of water., DARK PROTON STRINGS AND GENETIC CODE 1. a) Outcome of a model for dark nucleus as nucleon string requiring a model of nucleon (p/n) as 3-quark state forming a string like entity itself. b) The size scale of dark quark should be about atomic length scale from which one can estimate the value of h_eff. c) Model assumes breaking of rotational symmetry to subgroup of rotations around the axis of the nuclear string identified as magnetic flux tube d) The 3 quark states are built as tensor products of represetations of rotation group and weak SU(2)_L and are color singlets. Also color states coule be consi- dered., DARK PROTON STRINGS AND GENETIC CODE 4. Inspires the proposal that water representes primordial life form with biomolecules replaced with dark proton sequences. a) Water is to known to obey the formula H_1.5O in atto- second time scale in the sense that 1/4:th of protons are invisible in neutron diffraction and electron scattering. As if these protons were dark. The proposal was that they corre- spond to protons with large h_eff=nh. b) Water memory and homeo- pathy could be understood in terms of the polymer-like structures formed by dark proton sequences. The process giving rise to homeo- pathic remedy would feed me- tabolic energy creating cell-like regions discovered by Pollack and realizing genetic code. c) These regions could mimic bio-active molecules. In particular the cyclotron fre- quencies associated with their magnetic body could become same as for the bio-active mo- lecule and allow to mimic the molecule and actually replace it in biological body so that there would be no harmful effects., DARK PROTON STRINGS AND GENETIC CODE 3. The findings of Pollack provide additional support for the notion. a) The feed of energy to water bounded by gel - say as visible or IR radiation - leads to a forma- toin of negatively charged region of thickness of few micrometers and consisting of water molecule layers obeying H_1.5O formula are formed. The outside region becomes positively charged. All inpurities in the region are cleared and a voltage is generated so that the system be used as battery. So- lar light induces the phenomenon. Pollack he explains by postulating fourth phase of water. b) Very similar phase results from the splitting of water as "Brown's gas" (discovered long time ago but not taken seriously by mainstream) c) Pollack's findings can be under stood if 1/4:th of protons goes to the flux tubes of magnetic body assign- able to the negative charged region and form dark proton sequences real- izing genetic code. This kind of regions would define prebiotic cell. d) The transformation of dark protons to ordinary would liberate metabolic energy so that one would also have primitive forms of photosyntehesis and metabolism., a) The 3-proton states can be arranged into multiplets such that the numbers of states insi- de multiplets correspond to num- bers of DNA and RNA (64), aminoacids (20) and tRNA. b) The states inside "DNA" and "RNA" multiplets can be mapped to the states of "amino-acid" mul- tiplets in a natural manner and the numbers of "DNA"s/"RNA"s mapped to a given amino-acid are same as for vertebrate genetic code. which suggests that a) dark protons realize genetic code at the level of dark nuclear physics prebiotically b) chemical realization and possible realizations based on electromagnetic radiation have emerged later, DARK PROTON STRINGS AND GENETIC CODE 5. Since 99.9 per cent of molecules in living matter are water mole- cules, the idea that this primordial life is in sym- biosis with chemical life. a) Dark analogs of basic bio-molecles could define R&D laboratory allowing to test various variants of DNA. b) This would require transcription of dark DNA to ordinary one and vice versa. Maybe same for other basic biomolecules.